Friday, May 10, 2013
The Northwest Tattoo Museum
The NW Tattoo museum has a new home in Coeur d'Alene
Idaho at 510 N.4th St., a full on tattoo museum with exhibits
from some of the greatest tattooers of our time. Exhibits in vintage flash, machines, business cards, photos, posters, stencils, etc.
Exhibits will change often. We also have a working tattoo shop exhibit, with one chair for live tattooing full time by Bengt Cenatiempo, and a plethora of guest artists throughout the years. Come check the museum out and wander thru over 100 years of tattoo history, and get a souvenier tattoo while you are here. All profits go to the museum as it is a not for profit venture. Visit the NW Tattoo Museum in the heart of beautiful Coeur d'Alene. Professionals Dedicated to Documenting & Preserving Tattoo History, Culture and Artifacts. Find us on Facebook or email: or call 208-966-4330.
Open Wed-Sun Noon - 8 or 9pm
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Introducing our new Tattoo Artist/Machine Builder Bengt Cenatiempo
Bengt Cenatiempo has joined us!!
17 years of experience
Bengt is a Member of the Alliance of Professional Tattooist
and a member of the National Tattoo Association
a very talented, Versitile, Award Winning Artist
we'll be posting some of his work soon, till then he is on facebook:!/media/set/?set=a.1010861567788.1513.1712460650&type=3
or come down to the shop and check out his work at
A Fine Art Tattoo, 116 S. Jackson St.
Downtown Moscow,Idaho look for the
Kindermusic building...or call us at: 208-596-4363
Don't put your Body in the hands of a novice
get tattooed by the experts at A Fine Art Tattoo
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Jay Brown wins Terry Wrigley Award at National
Jay Brown has won many awards of his 26 years of tattooing, many for
his skill in the art of tattooing,
the A.P.T.'s Certificate of Tattoo Mastery,
the A.P.T.'s Certificate of Tattoo Mastery,
and the Rosini Award. This year at the 33rd Annual National Convention
Jay was bestowed with one of tattooings highest honors, the Terry Wrigley
Award, for Outstanding Contributions to the Tattoo Profession.
Jay is very Thankful to the tattoo community for this award, and will continue to serve
Jay is very Thankful to the tattoo community for this award, and will continue to serve
the tattoo profession, thru his tattoo machines, and his writing for Tattoo Artist
Magazine Blog and Tattoo Life Magazine, and currently his newest project,
the Northwest Tattoo Museum, preserving tattoo history in the NW.
Jay's Latest Tattoo Artist Magazine Blog Article
Jay Browns Latest Article on Tattoo Artist Magazine Blog on
Fred Marquand, a tattoo artist from Bellingham, WA that
tattooed from 1920-1950's, Check out the article at:
It's a great piece of history for tattooers and enthusiasts alike!!!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
the Rosini Award & Ink Travelers Jay's latest article on TAM Blog
Read Jay's story on the R.J. Rosini Award and the Ink Tavelers Tattoo Convention in Vancouver, WA this year was the 10th anniversary of the show. You can see Jay's article on Tattoo Artist Magazine Blog at:
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Northwest Tattoo Museum at A Fine Art Tattoo...
The Northwest Tattoo Museum at A Fine Art Tattoo Studio, preserving general tattooing and specializing in Northwest tattooing...we have a fair amount of flash, featuring Fred Marquand and R.J. Rosini, machines and acetates, a very large business card collection, sticker collection, photographs, and convention memorabilia. we are always looking for donations and any old tattoo related items...
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Part 4 of the Machine builders Article....
the last Part of Jay's Article on Tattoo Artist Magazine Blog on 28 Tattoo Machine Builders of Note . There will be a follow up article in a couple of months. You ca veiw part 4 at:
Part 3 for Jay's Tattoo Artist Magazine Blog Article on Machine Builders...
Part 3 of Jay's TAM Blog Article 28 Tattoo Machine Builder's of Note is available at:
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Part 2 of Jay's Machine Builders Article on Tattoo Artist Magazine Blog
Part 2 of Jay's 28Tattoo Machine Builders of Note on Tattoo Artist Magazine Blog can now be viewed at:
Thursday, December 15, 2011
New Tattoo Machine exhibit at A Fine Art Tattoo Studio...
Come and check out the latest addition to A Fine Art Tattoo Studio, our Tattoo Machine Exhibit featuring tattoo machines from the 1930's to current day. This new addition is cause of A Fine Art Tattoo Studios love for tattoo history and tradition, and is part of our ever growing Tattoo Museum drop in and check out the history. We're at 116 S. Jackson St., Moscow, Idaho
Jay Brown's latest article on Tattoo Artist Magazine Blog...
28 Tattoo Machine Builders of Note a four part article by Jay Brown is now published and available to view part one on Tattoo Artist Magazine Blog at: this article cover historical builders to builders of the present, with bio's and photos of thier work...
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Jay's Tattoo Machines Advertised in Tattoo Artist Magazine...
Jay's Tattoo Machine Business is now advertising in tattooing's finest trade publication Tattoo Artist Magazine, starting in issue #28. to subscribe to TAM go to ....
To see Available One-Off Tattoo Machines & Models go to
to order machines email or call 208-596-4363
To see Available One-Off Tattoo Machines & Models go to
to order machines email or call 208-596-4363
Thursday, November 10, 2011
James Rosini Guest Artist November 13th-22nd...
Our Good Brother James Rosini From Denver, CO will be here tattooing and building machines with us from November 13th-22nd...Come get tattooed by this world renowned for your appointments today...208-596-4363
Labels: James Rosini, Moscow Idaho Tattoo Shops, Tattoo History, Tattooing
Saturday, October 22, 2011
We're on Facebook as well...come check us out...
The website has many new features, check out our links page for some great links in the tattoo industry. The merchandise page features Tattoo Machines by "Peg Leg Mcgee" handmade tattoo machines by Jay Brown here's a couple of links to our facebook and whatnot:
Jay's facebook - https://!/TattoosbyJayBrown
Machines on Facebook -
be sure to check out the gallery and the Tattoo History Section...Thanks for Stoppin In!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
New Amund Diezle Book article on TAM Blog

Labels: Amund Dietzel, Jay Brown Tattoo Artist, Tattoo Artist Magazine, Tattoo History, Tattooing, These Old Blue Arms vol.2
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Jay's interview with Crazy Philadelphia Eddie on Tattoo Artist Magazines Blog
Labels: Crazy Eddie, Crazy Philadelphia Eddie's New Book, Jay Brown Tattoo Artist, TAM Blog, Tattoo Artist Magazine, Tattooing
Monday, August 29, 2011
Cherokee Chuck Guest Artist in September...
Well it's no longer a rumor, that Flamboyantly Stylish, Jager Drinkin', Tale Spinnin', World Famous, Award Winning Tattooer Cherokee Chuck is here doing a guest spot with us exclusively at A Fine Art Tattoo from Sept. 8th - 18th, if not longer...So be sure to book your appointments early to be sure to get time with him, you won't be disappointed!!! Cherokee is a talented artist of 24 years, fresh from Sturgis and the Rosini Family Tattooing Gypsy Tour and ready to Rock...give the studio a call to set up a time....208-596-4363 for appointments, spots are going fast!!! you can see Chuck's work at: or or
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Labels: Sturgis 2011, Tattooing, U of I, welcome back students, WSU