The Northwest Tattoo Museum's Nwe Home in Coeur d'Alene
The Northwest Tattoo Museum
The NW Tattoo museum has a new home in Coeur d'Alene
Idaho at 510 N.4th St., a full on tattoo museum with exhibits
from some of the greatest tattooers of our time. Exhibits in vintage flash, machines, business cards, photos, posters, stencils, etc.
Exhibits will change often. We also have a working tattoo shop exhibit, with one chair for live tattooing full time by Bengt Cenatiempo, and a plethora of guest artists throughout the years. Come check the museum out and wander thru over 100 years of tattoo history, and get a souvenier tattoo while you are here. All profits go to the museum as it is a not for profit venture. Visit the NW Tattoo Museum in the heart of beautiful Coeur d'Alene. Professionals Dedicated to Documenting & Preserving Tattoo History, Culture and Artifacts. Find us on Facebook or email: or call 208-966-4330.
Open Wed-Sun Noon - 8 or 9pm